Sunday, March 22, 2009

Dietary Modifications For Refulx Pain

These dietary modifications can help you live without dangerous proton pump inhibitors (Such as Prilosec AcipHex etc)....breaking the addiction.

What has this to do with eye care? We practice Holistic Vision Care. This means we don't treat eye problems as if they existed without your body! You know you can damage your eye sight by what you eat. With this in mind, if your digestion is not adequate, your eyes will suffer as will your health. Living on proton pump inhibitors (AcipHex, Prilosec, etc) is not healthy. On the other hand pain is not tolerable. Here is an approach to minimizing your need to reduce stomach acidity. If this does not work well for you, you need to consult with a physician. Consider a Naturopathic physician as your first and safest choice. Ideally you need your stomach acid to protect your body from bacterial invasion. If you like foods like Sushi (raw fish) and you are on drugs like Prilosec, the live bacteria in the fish can get into your body since the acid in your stomach is NOT there! Consider the acid a moat to keep out invaders from your castle. The following are things to do to help get you off the proton pump inhibitors (drugs like prilosec).
  1. No coffee not even decaf - it is very acidic! -- get Teeccino. Postum or Chatfield's carob powder as an alternative. If needed sweeten with Stevia and/or Xylitol and add milk.
  2. No carbonated beverages, especially in the evening.
  3. Large breakfast, medium lunch, tiny dinner and not after 5:00pm -- consider drinking water mixed with 10 - 20 % fruit juice to calm evening hunger. This works VERY well! This is an ancient cleansing program followed by some religious groups. A form of evening fast. .
  4. You may consider purchasing Rolaids soft chews (max 6 /day) and eat 1 - 2 after any meal that causes even slight stomach pain or bloating. (note Rolaids has artificial dyes which are likely unsafe). Use them only when other choices are not possible
  5. You may also use the Calcium Carbonate pills (safer) meant for preventing bone loss. This is the same as Rolaids (no dyes) but they must be crushed and swallowed with water. If you use plain calcium carbonate it has little or no taste.
  6. Trader Joe's Sells a calcium chew (Naturally Flavored Chocolate Calcium Soft Chews) - this is by far the most natural and in my experience best product to take for acidity. One at bed time should work wonders and it tastes very good!
  7. Evening meal should be fruits, nuts or some small amounts of breads (easiest to digest). A Very Small Meal!
  8. Important! Before bed, take two calcium carbonate pills (preferable crushed with minimal water so you don't have to awaken to urinate). Remember to avoid too many calcium products daily as that can cause other problems.
  9. Sleep with blocks 3- 6 inches under legs at head side of bed. This makes the acid flow down and does not burn the esophagus and cause pain.
  10. Keep mental records of foods that cause agita and avoid them. In general these include: things that make you burp like peppers, spicy foods and fried foods. Note: that chocolate has lots of caffeine in it and can upset digestion and cause poor sleep.
  11. Work on reducing stress....... exercise, meditation and counseling.
  12. Take fiber supplements to keep bowels regular but NOT excessively as that can cause pain from bowel spasms. A low dose program that is likely safe is: 1 rounded teaspoon of WHOLE flax seed (avoid crushed as it is always rancid) in a coffee grinder with 1 or 2 teaspoons of pearl barley. Grind it to dust. Mix it in a cereal bowl with a cup or more of water. Let it sit while having breakfast. Consume this with breakfast. Add a small amount of sweetener (if desired) and some milk or cream. This is a very pleasant and filling cereal that you will enjoy.
  13. DO have a hot beverage with breakfast as it helps many with digestion. (Just NOT coffee).
NOTE: The goal of this program is to get you off proton pump inhibitors with a minimum of pain. Ideally consumption of any antiacids, even calcium carbonate should be avoided if possible.

Disclaimer: Always consult with your physician if you have pain that lasts more than 2 weeks or is getting worse. I recommend a Naturopathic Physician as they offer a safer approach. If you live anywhere near Brewster, NY, I recommend Dr Michael Gazsi. Dr Gazsi is in Danbury, Ct. The above recommendations are not offered as a substitute for medical care.

Notes: Proton Pump inhibitors, can be dangerous as they block the bodies natural defense to pathogens. For references to this issue see: Dr Joseph Mercola

1 comment:

  1. So far I have given up coffee and switched to Chai tea. This has made a tremendous improvement. I am now keeping mental records of which other food I eat cause burning.
